Government Agency Records Management

End-to-end records tracking made simple

Track inventory, input orders, manage retention schedules, provide custom reports, and invoice your customers all from the same software platform, no matter where you are.
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A dashboard from the O'Neil Stratus records management software showing data from a records center.

Always In The Know With O’Neil

As your agency's curator of records, you hold the key to preserving its data, ensuring its safekeeping through dedicated storage and vigilant management. The O'Neil Software platform is built to help you deliver on that commitment.

Chain of Custody: Track and report everything that happens to each and every one of your records.

Records Tracing: Records ownership can be traced up to 3 levels deep.

Dashboards from O'Neil Stratus records management software.

Invoice with Confidence

O’Neil makes billing easy with the Record Center Cost Charge-back Module, helping you streamline your invoicing process. With O'Neil, billing is easier and invoices are more accurate.

Chargebacks: Separate storage and service costs so that each agency can be charged individually.


Budgeting Tools: Compare your budget to commercial rates or even populate with local commercial rates for annual budget reviews.

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“O'Neil's technology is much more intuitive than other software solutions, making our work a lot easier and more productive.”
- Ed Navarro, City Clerk
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Computer and tablet screens displaying the O'Neil Software website and dashboards from the O'Neil Stratus records management software.

Safeguard Your Records Data

From your government records center to the cloud, with O’Neil your records information remains safe, compliant, and within your control, no matter where you are.


Secure: For your data, database and backups, leverage data encryption as well as encryption key management, multifactor authentication and 24/7/365 secure monitoring.


Visible: Gain oversight and control over your inventory of physical records at all times through our proven workflows and technology-enabled tagging.

Learn How to Reduce Revenue Leakage
A computer screen displaying the Annex software platform for cross-database records management.

Multi-Site Visibility With Annex


Present a Unified View of Records Information

Empower customers with an integrated view of their stored inventory across record center locations. With Annex, centralized information management can become a reality for your end users, delivering a new level of productivity for their operation.


Enable Real-Time Decision Making

24/7 access to real-time cross-records center information means your end-users can request, review and act on internal and external stakeholder requests faster and more accurately. Annex helps you win by equipping them to deliver more value to their business.

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Tap Into the Financial Upside of Hosted O’Neil Stratus

Stratus, hosted by O'Neil, can reduce or eliminate operating costs such as IT infrastructure and management, database servers, server and third-party licensing, certificates, and electrical charges.

Ready To Take The Next Step?

Schedule a no obligation conversation with an O’Neil Solutions Expert

O'Neil Software powers 1000+ Record Management Locations in 85+ countries.
Discuss Your Business Goals and Challenges
Start your journey with O'Neil Software by sharing your business goals and challenges. We'll tailor a solution to overcome obstacles and propel your operations towards success.
Learn How You Can Increase Profitability
Lower capital expenditures while decreasing your IT burden. Increase system availability, reliability, security, and business continuity.
Evaluate Our Capabilities
See how O'Neil Software can be applied to your business to boost operating efficiency and profitability.
Preview Our Training Resources
As a trusted partner in your corner, we are at your service with ongoing training and support.
Ready To Take The Next Step?

Schedule a no obligation conversation with an O’Neil Solutions Expert

O'Neil Software powers 1000+ Record Management Locations in 85+ countries.
Discuss Your Business Goals and Challenges
Start your journey with O'Neil Software by sharing your business goals and challenges. We'll tailor a solution to overcome obstacles and propel your operations towards success.
Learn How You Can Increase Profitability
Lower capital expenditures while decreasing your IT burden. Increase system availability, reliability, security, and business continuity.
Evaluate Our Capabilities
See how O'Neil Software can be applied to your business to boost operating efficiency and profitability.
Preview Our Training Resources
As a trusted partner in your corner, we are at your service with ongoing training and support.
A computer screen displaying the Annex software platform for cross-database records management.

Multi-Site Visibility With Annex


Present a Unified View of Records Information

Empower customers with an integrated view of their stored inventory across record center locations. With Annex, centralized information management can become a reality for your end users, delivering a new level of productivity for their operation.


Enable Real-Time Decision Making

24/7 access to real-time cross-records center information means your end-users can request, review and act on internal and external stakeholder requests faster and more accurately. Annex helps you win by equipping them to deliver more value to their business.

Trusted by over 1,000 record centers worldwide

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