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Matt Travers Case Studies

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Confidence is a characteristic that's hard to describe, as it is an intangible thing. And yet in every human interaction, it quickly becomes apparent to an alert audience if a person or business is confident or not. Without confidence, leadership cannot exist.

Here's a case study on a company who lives and breathes confidence and leadership, in both their abilities and the quality of the services they offer to their record center customers. They got that partnering with O'Neil Software.

The Technology User: National Records Management

There is one particular component of leadership that is so important, so necessary, that without it, leadership cannot exist. That component is confidence.

Having the best tools and the best resources - they're the backbone of confidence, the source of certainty. Without them, simply surviving - let alone triumphing - in a fast-changing records storage and management market can be a tough proposition.

National Records Management (NRM), located in Beamsville, ON is a good example of a company who continues to exhibit confidence and leadership in their industry. This record center stores and manages boxes and files. Additionally, the company offers media backup tape exchange services, as well as shredding.

Aimee Ludwig, Customer Service Manager of NRM notes: "Having true confidence in the services you have to offer your customers is the fundamental basis from which leadership grows. Trying to secure leadership without first building confidence is like building a record center on a foundation of sand." It may have a nice coat of paint, but it is ultimately shaky at best."

She continues:; "We are thankful to have chosen O'Neil as our software vendor and greatly benefited from the wealth of expertise and experience they have to offer. It was referrals from other record centers that turned our attention to O'Neil. After learning more about them, we were attracted to their focus and commitment to the industry. We recognized that records management was the heart of their company and that was important."


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Effective and successful records storage and management companies share two intertwined attributes:  an unbridled level of confidence about what their company can do/the services they can provide and the ability to bring their clients along. And these are exactly the attributes National Records Management continues to exhibit in the marketplace today.

Aimee points out: "The hard cold truth about business is that for any company to stand a chance at long-term survival, it's got to be able to adapt and change - sometimes frequently and the quicker the better. Due to demands by its customer base, a business that stands rigid and is unable to yield won't be around a very long time. You should require the same adaptability and flexibility of your software."

She continues: "O'Neil's RS-SQL® software is very adaptable to every customer. Whenever we sit down with a client to begin the process of being their record center, we know that whatever they ask, we CAN do. We often tell our clients that they don't need to change their box size, their filing language, etc. We can change the system to meet their needs."

Additionally, RS-SQL has the flexibility and power to handle the most complex record center business processes and multiple business applications. You can search in the database under virtually any criteria to find information. The combination of query logic and table technology puts information at your fingertips. You can sort, format, print, export or even email tables. In minutes, you can answer any of your customers' questions or requests about their information and provide data the way they want to see it.


No single factor will impact the value of your record center operations more than data accuracy. So it's important to choose the right software for use in your record center. Some software fails to accurately report key numbers or efficiently handle adjustments. As with most things, you get what you pay for. A cheap records storage and management package could mislead you about the performance and accuracy of your record center. Although you may save a few dollars upfront, you'll pay later for the cost of imprecision.

Aimee points out: "Using O'Neil's RS-SQL we found that we could quickly and accurately answer any of our clients' questions: who took out that file? When was it removed? Where was it delivered?  Who signed for it? No problem - we were able to get those answers for our clients while we have them on the line!"

O'Neil's RS-SQL is a flexible, feature-rich record tracking software. It allows users to easily and accurately manage, track and monitor the activity of any storable item (boxes, file folders, documents, tapes) throughout their record center, from deposit to destruction, work order to invoice. It results in finding what you need, when you need it and guaranteeing 100% service accuracy and efficiency and ensuring correct billing and charging for every service you've performed.

Additionally, using RS-SQL lightens the load on internal staff and reduces the time and effort it takes to access information. The software is designed to handle the needs of everyone, from start-ups to multi-nationals. Because the product is both scalable and robust, RS-SQL automatically scales to meet your needs and accommodate any size business, small or large.


When it comes to greater productivity and saving money, streamlining business operations provides many great advantages, as NRM can attest to.

Aimee notes: "O'Neil has provided our record center staff with the software tools to streamline our operation's processes. Even the big jobs that come our way are able to be accomplished with the least amount of steps."

She continues: " Additionally, features such as the Urgent Notification List have been a huge cost savings at NRM and resulted in improved customer service. When a customer requests us to find one box out of a shipment that has just arrived, we send that box barcode to the Urgent Notification List and immediately as the box is scanned, the scanner notifies our staff that this is the box requested. And our customers appreciate that they can often answer many of their own questions by logging onto O'Neil's RSWeb®NET and getting the answers they need almost effortlessly."


How does NRM see O'Neil Software benefiting their organization in the future?

Aimee states: "NRM can pass on the new and exciting changes that come with O'Neil's version updates...enhancements before we even think of them and are often way ahead of our customers' requests. That's the way you want your technology to work," she concludes.

Do you have that kind of confidence in your software?