Want to give your clients more immediate access to their records? Lighten the records management burden of your customer service staff, while lowering your overhead and expenses?
O’Neil Software has harnessed the power of the Internet and Microsoft®’s latest .NET technology, to make your record center a true extension of your clients’ operations. As part of our complete suite of fully integrated software (RS-SQL® and award-winning RSMobile®), RSWeb.NET provides your clients with fast, flexible and real-time access to all their business information, right when they need it, a mouse click away!
A modern, stable and robust solution that employs proven technology, now your clients have access to your record center’s RS-SQL database. They can perform many tasks themselves, eliminating unnecessary emails, faxes and telephone calls. No longer does your Customer Service Representative have to re-key an order or look up information. The power is now in your clients’ hands, anytime, day or night, from anywhere in the world.
RSWeb.NET is flexible, user friendly and powerful model for doing business with your clients. With customizable data entry screens, instant reporting and powerful queries at their fingertips, your clients will have greater access and control of their records than ever before.
RSWeb.NET significantly enhances your ability to serve your clients more efficiently through the Internet, while improving your operational efficiency. The software frees up your internal staff, so they can tend to other important tasks. This extended access to information enhances client communications. Your client can quickly and easily query the database, order supplies, add new inventory, edit inventory information, generate reports, request services and even monitor the status of orders. All this takes place directly from their desk, saving time and eliminating costly errors. Ease-of-use is at the core of O’Neil’s design philosophy. Simple and user friendly screens walk clients through every step of the way, providing them with the incentive to order online more often and with complete confidence. And because of the flexible Microsoft.NET architecture, you can customize language, access queries, add/edit dialogue and reports that meet the exact needs of your clients.FEATURE-RICH FUNCTIONALITY AND FLEXIBILITY
From data entry to custom searches, queries to service requests, RSWeb.NET offers your clients feature-rich functionality and flexibility. They can easily order record storage services and supplies; schedule pickups and deliveries; check on the status of work orders and service requests; define and update item descriptions in selected records; and get 24/7, 365 days a year access to reports on their record activities, printable from their desktops. The ultimate in connectivity, here are just a few of the features of RSWeb.NET: Intuitive Menu System - allows your clients to easily search and work with their records. Customizable Data Entry Screens - using selected fields and personalized terminology, clients can add and edit their records before you pick them up. Customizable Field Masks - ensures that consistent data entry is guaranteed. Pre-Defined "Quick Searches" - clients can personalize, using their own terminology. They can also create their own searches using an advanced search tool. Instant Reports - clients can search the database and print the results out instantly, right from their own office. Instant Work Orders - clients can create their own work orders immediately. Order Services - clients can schedule pick-ups, deliveries; place requests for jobs such as reboxing; purchase supplies or check on the ETA status of orders...anytime.CUSTOMIZATION
Ever stop and consider how important branding is in your records storage management business? O'Neil Software has, which is evident in our RSWeb.NET product. When your customers visualize your business, it's more than just your facility site, your actual business is your brand and in it rests all of your company's worth. It encompasses everything that makes you unique in the marketplace; it is the personality and soul of your company. When successful branding takes place, your look works as a catalyst to trigger instant recognition on the part of the customer. It indicates what you are selling/the services you are providing, the value you are offering and what they can expect from doing business with you. Now you've worked hard to create your record center's brand, so why would you choose a web product that doesn't allow you to customize it to your look? With RSWeb.NET, you have the flexibility to take your current website's Cascading Style Sheet and apply the colors and fonts to all of its screens; make changes to the RSWeb.NET logo; set the style for the page header and footer; do something different with the side navigation bar background. This creates a seamless integration, ensuring your customers always feel that they are working with your company and have never left your website.Schedule A Free Demo With An O’neil Product Expert
O'Neil's software solutions are used extensively by record centers worldwide to manage all aspects of records management.