Records Management

Manage all your records information from one place.

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January 18, 2021


Case Studies
Records Management
Confidence is a characteristic that’s hard to describe, as it is an intangible thing. And yet in every human interaction, it quickly becomes apparent to an alert audience if a person or business is confident or not. Without confidence, leadership cannot exist. Here’s a case study on a company who lives and breathes confidence and leadership, in both their abilities

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pioneer square


In any industry or business, getting people in the door is a key to success. Perhaps an even bigger challenge is keeping them coming back. Great service makes your customers feel that you care about developing a long-term relationship, more than just closing the deal. Here’s a case study on a company who understands how great customer service is essential
January 17, 2021
Case Studies
Records Management
offsite square


Every decision you make in life has consequences. It’s like a car with only two speeds: forward and reverse. It will either lead you to your goals, or away from them. So you need to make certain that every decision you make, is taking you in the direction you want to be headed. Here’s a Case Study on a company
January 16, 2021
Case Studies
Records Management
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Williams & Gosling

Stevedoring and Pilotage Services. What do they possibly have in common with records management? Both are in the business of organizing and navigating crowded and congested situations. And both have control over the speed, direction and movements of their items. Here’s a case study on a freight forwarding champion, who expanded into document storage/management. They’re using O’Neil software as a
December 31, 2020
Case Studies
Records Management